I am a Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner.Healing Touch for Animals Energy Healing consists using energy techniques to create the physiological response of energy in every cell of the body. This then create balances and healing. When the energy is flowing through the body without any blocks
the animal is able to create a healthy balanced body. Healing Touch energy work consists of: Chakra balancing; the use of essential oils; tuning forks; many other energy healing techniques & much more. The chart at the right from Healing Touch for Animals shows how Energy Healing works in the body. |
Animal healing is used to balance the pet’s mind, body and spirit to remove any energy blockages and restore the chi life force energy flow throughout the body and open the seven major chakras. Many things can cause blockages in the life force energy flow and energy healing is used to clear the blockages and restore the bodies energy flow. These blockage imbalances can be caused by trauma, fears, pet injuries, behavioral issues, separation anxiety, environment issues., mobility issues, toxin overload, food allergies, vaccinosis (over vaccination) grief over a loss of a person or animal friend, pet nutrition and more…Good nutrition is also a must to improve your pet’s health.
Kinesiology testing and or modalities are use to find any blockages in the animals life force energy.
Kinesiology testing and or modalities are use to find any blockages in the animals life force energy.
Animal Chakras ~ Energy Centers
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel.” In traditional Eastern medicine, it is believed that the body contains seven major “energy wheels” or chakras. Energy medicine operates on the belief that changes in the body’s life force can affect health and healing. This is also true with animals. The objective for energy work is to uncover the root causes of imbalances in our pets and harmonize them before illness occurs. The Chakras are responsible for keeping your mental, physical and spiritual health in balance. If your pet is experiencing health problems, it could be a sign that one or more chakras are blocked. At Pawsitive Wellness Center we believe we need to provide a healthy diet along with preventive care to keep our pets healthy.
I have been doing Chakra Balancing for over 25 years and I offer this to your pets. My dog’s chakras are checked regularly and I use energy work to keep them balanced. I can check them in about five minutes. I have been testing my animals for over eight years now for it is important to keep their chakras in balance to stay healthy. When they get blocked I balanced them with sound tuning forks or other energy work. I also use the Tuning Fork Relaxation Music to relax the dogs. The animals do love to have a chakra balance done for it is very calming and relaxing. Animals usually sleep after a treatment. This is a great way to maintain a healthy pet or treat a pet with any health issues. It is very important to keep the animals energy flowing through their Chakras just as it is for humans.
I have been doing Chakra Balancing for over 25 years and I offer this to your pets. My dog’s chakras are checked regularly and I use energy work to keep them balanced. I can check them in about five minutes. I have been testing my animals for over eight years now for it is important to keep their chakras in balance to stay healthy. When they get blocked I balanced them with sound tuning forks or other energy work. I also use the Tuning Fork Relaxation Music to relax the dogs. The animals do love to have a chakra balance done for it is very calming and relaxing. Animals usually sleep after a treatment. This is a great way to maintain a healthy pet or treat a pet with any health issues. It is very important to keep the animals energy flowing through their Chakras just as it is for humans.
Do you know what chakras are and why we want to keep them balanced? When the energy or Chi flows through the body without blockage the body is able to maintain a healthy immune system and function properly to avoid disease.
The medical profession is recognizing what chakras are and why we want to keep them our chi flowing and balanced.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Eastern Medicine is based on balance "chi" or "prana" energy flow. Your pets also have chakras and benefit from keeping their chakras balanced. Their chakras are 1st Root; 2nd Sacral; 3rd Solar Plexus; 4th Heart; 5th Throat; 6th Brow, 7th Crown & 8th Brachial. The animals also bud minor chakras.
This is the basis of a healthy body and immune system. PWC uses many different methods to balance the dogs chakras.
Do you know what chakras are and why we want to keep them balanced? When the energy or Chi flows through the body without blockage the body is able to maintain a healthy immune system and function properly to avoid disease.
The medical profession is recognizing what chakras are and why we want to keep them our chi flowing and balanced.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Eastern Medicine is based on balance "chi" or "prana" energy flow. Your pets also have chakras and benefit from keeping their chakras balanced. Their chakras are 1st Root; 2nd Sacral; 3rd Solar Plexus; 4th Heart; 5th Throat; 6th Brow, 7th Crown & 8th Brachial. The animals also bud minor chakras.
This is the basis of a healthy body and immune system. PWC uses many different methods to balance the dogs chakras.
Chakra Balance and other healing energy packages information available for your pets.
Below are informational videos for animal energy sessions
This video shows how to assess the dogs chakra's before and after a treatment. Using a pendulum is a way to determine if the dogs energy is flowing properly without any obstruction so the animal is able to heal itself by having the energy flow through the body.
Close up pictures to see the placement of the crystals on the surrogate. The Vogel crystal is by the throat chakra and the Selenite Wand is over the digestive area and above the crown chakra. Both types of crystals are excellent for healing. I work with Shiva as a special healing source also.
The small Angelic Merkaba is portable. It is used to begin a session with the animal.
Relaxation music for many different pet situations
Relaxation for your pets
Listen to a sample the Tuning Fork Relaxation Music here.
I am certified the use of essential oils on the
animals to bring their body into Homeostasis.
The chart above from Healing Touch for Animals shows how energy healing works in the body.
animals to bring their body into Homeostasis.
The chart above from Healing Touch for Animals shows how energy healing works in the body.
In the video below Dr. Becker talks with Dr. Wagner on integrative veterinarian medicine and refers to Healing Touch for Animals work with animals. This is one modality I use with the animals. I also use sound therapy with Tuning Forks and other modalities which are also very effective.