“The Stealth Threat Facing up to 83 Percent of Dogs – Is Your Pet’s Health a Time Bomb Waiting to Happen?”
This is great information for pet parents who are adopting an in intact puppy. I only wish the rescue organizations and shelters would study this research. I also wish I would have known this when I had to decide at what age to spay my two dogs. I like most people I was strongly urged by many veterinarians to have my dogs spayed before six months so they wouldn't go into a heat. This information is very important for male neutering also. Since then I have read many studies on spaying or neutering your pets before they are fully mature. Of course there are ways to get hormone support if your pet has been altered. I am not promoting Dr. Becker's product but I want you to know that there are options for pets that have already been altered. The information in the video about altering our pets and losing the benefits of their natural hormones is excellent.