I had my year old puppy trained to avoid rattlesnakes for I walk in the desert each day with my three dogs and I needed to know that my youngest dog would also know to avoid the rattlesnakes for she is very curious and it is becoming warm enough in the desert for rattlesnakes to be active. This can happen when the sun warms up to around 70 degrees or more. I just wasn't comfortable being in the desert without her having the rattlesnake avoidance training done like I did with my other two dogs. The video is of my older dog doing a retake test after being trained about four years prior to this retake in 2017.
Many of you live in the desert or an area where there is concern of rattlesnakes. A rattlesnake bite can be deadly especially if the dog is struck in the head while investigating the snake. If the dog survives the vet costs can be very high and the effect on the dog's immune system can be greatly compromised. The bite usually causes the dog to bleed to death internally. When I took my two dogs to be retested it was interesting to watch my dogs reaction as we arrived at the home of the tester, Big Jim from Vipervoidance in New River, AZ. He also offers the testing at other locations which can be found on his website. Neither wanted to get out of the car because they got a smell of the snake in the front yard at a distance from the wind. Jim has two different rattlesnake setups. One setup in the front of the yard is for initial training and for the retest he has a rattlesnake in a cage down a trail on the side of the property. On the retest the dog is off leash but the area is totally fenced. I did get my older dog out first and encouraged her down the trail. As we got near the caged snake she became more cautious and then when she got a strong scent she backed off and headed back up the trail without us. She will usually stay with me when we are in a strange place but she didn't that day. It had been two years since my dogs were retested but I had moved to a place in the country where I was told there are many more rattlesnakes so I had them retested for my sanity. I then walked to the other caged rattlesnake in the front yard and she wouldn't come with me no matter how much I coaxed her. She just wanted to get back into my vehicle. I took my second dog out to have her retested and she reacted the same way. I felt very relieved to know that neither one of my dogs wanted to get anywhere near the caged rattlesnakes. They stayed at least 15-20 feet away. The dog actually goes by the scent so if the wind is strong they can smell the snakes scent much farther away.
Blog CreatorMary DeRoche Archives
April 2024