I have used Colloidal Silver in the past. I now use essential oils because I haven’t had the problem of reducing the natural beneficial flora in the gut as regular antibiotics and colloidal silver does. There are many essential oils that also work like an antibiotic but do not affect the flora of the pets gut. I do still use Colloidal Silver if I have a major concern to help boost the immune system.
By Jessica Peralta in Holistic Care from Dogs Naturally. Even the healthiest of dogs gets a little bloody here and again. In fact, we would argue, the healthier the dog, the more trouble he might be getting into when roaming free in the yard. He runs out, chases a rabbit behind the shed… and here he comes with a nice little gash along his muzzle. Ouch. Dogs are troopers – it’s us who freak out. So, before you go running to your medicine cabinet for an antibiotic ointment or calling your vet for an oral antibiotic – which are immune system suppressors by nature and can lead to antibiotic resistance – consider this powerful alternative… Colloidal silver is a liquid antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal that has been touted as treating and preventing an assortment of conditions in both humans and animals. Colloidal silver, as opposed to just plain silver, means that submicroscopic silver particles are suspended in a liquid base. Because the silver particles are so tiny, they are thought to penetrate cells and kill pathogens. Learn about natural antibiotics for your dog, here. There are so many ways colloidal silver can be used for the immune system, we’ve narrowed it down to five to help get you started: Infection Since colloidal silver is an all-around pathogen fighter, it’s a great one to keep in your medicine cabinet for any disease – whether it’s bacterial, fungal (yeast!) or viral in nature (it can even be used to help treat parvovirus). Plus, it can be used as a preventative when exposure to sick people or animals is unavoidable, and as a regular household cleaner to disinfect surfaces and areas. Skin Colloidal silver can also be used topically for skin infections like ringworm, wounds and burns. It is soothing and repairs tissue damage. Ears For those unfortunate dogs suffering from ear infections, colloidal silver might offer some relief. The liquid can be dropped directly into the ears to help fight off bacteria and yeast. Eyes Colloidal silver can also help treat eye problems like infections, allergies, inflammation and tear staining, according to Wolf Creek Ranch’s website. Because it doesn’t sting, it can be dropped directly into the eyes. Lungs Colloidal silver has to be one of the most versatile natural immune system boosters – not only can it be used in an incredibly sensitive area such as the eyes, but it can be turned into mist with a nebulizer and used to treat respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia, according to Wolf Creek Ranch. How to Use Now that you know some of the major conditions colloidal silver can help, it’s time to learn how exactly this multitasking liquid can be used: Oral: A general guideline for oral dosing is five to 10 drops, two to three times per day. Many conditions are helped by both oral and direct application (for instance, use as ear drops AND orally). Because it basically tastes like water, oral dosing shouldn’t be a problem. Topical: As a wound cleaner, use to clean out affected area with a cotton swab. For skin conditions, spray onto area or use as a compress several times a day. Ears: Apply a few drops daily into affected ear or ears for up to 10 days. Eyes: Apply a drop three times a day into the affected eye or eyes. Inhalant: Use nebulizer with colloidal silver at least three times daily for at least 15 minutes each time (according to Wolf Creek Ranch). Note: Colloidal silver works just like an antibiotic, except without real negative effects. But there is one – it will reduce the natural beneficial flora in the gut as regular antibiotics do. So it’s important to follow up with probiotics and prebiotics to help build up the good bacteria back to normal levels in your dog. Also, since colloidal silver is sold at varying degrees of quality, do your research and/or work with an expert when selecting a brand.
Imagine avoiding risky vaccinations while getting very strong immune protection against parvo and distemper, the two potentially deadly diseases of puppies. That’s not only possible, but it’s been proven to work in the real world by a holistic vet in New Jersey, USA.
Spending time with others of like mind often enhances your own understanding and clarifies your goals. It’s been said you are the sum of the five people you hang out with the most. Have you found your pack that supports you? Do your friends further your thoughts and share your goals? These past four days, I’ve been rubbing shoulders with some forty colleagues in veterinary homeopathy in the desert of Arizona. Several of us presented cases and we all learned from each other’s successes and struggles. We differed in our years of experience but our determination was one: we were here to improve the lives of those animals who found us, naturally. Inherent in this work is sharing our knowledge with you, the animal owner on the front lines, often struggling within a broken medical system. Ideas Are Infectious: Come and Get Naturally Immunized! You know vaccinations are grossly over-provided in our broken system of veterinary medicine. The pushing of vaccinations by Dr. WhiteCoat throughout your animal’s life doesn’t add to her immunity. Not even a little. That’s what we know from veterinary immunologists whose life’s work is measuring and quantifying the immune response. And you know that vaccines are harmful. Chronic disease often follows vaccination, even a single vaccination. When you were exposed to these ideas, you likely resisted at first, as your old paradigm wouldn’t square with such seemingly radical thoughts. How could someone taking care of my animals do something to them that was useless, expensive, and ultimately harmful to their wellbeing? Something that could damage the rest of their lives? The more you looked into it and the more evidence you weighed, the more these ideas took root: vaccinations repeated throughout life were not necessary and were downright risky! You became “immunized” from the exposure to these ideas and started acting accordingly. Intelligently responding, like a well tuned immune system, you started tearing up the reminder postcards saying your animal was “due for vaccination” yet again (as if her immunity was a finite quantity that ran out, a reservoir with a leak). Your newly acquired “immunity” went deep. You’d no longer expose those animals in your care to the unnecessary risks that come with repeated vaccinations. Perhaps you shared your newfound understanding with those open minded enough to listen. At dog parks, pet shows, horse shows and in online communities. You learned you were far from alone: many others were spreading these potent ideas in many different avenues. And your animals began to shine as you dropped out of the broken medical system, and began feeding in much healthier ways. Avoiding toxic pesticides. And taking heartworm prevention to a much higher level, using drug free and effective methods. Hello, Vital Animal. Come over here, I want to rub on you a while. Using Nature to Immunize Now comes a genuine booster idea for you from my time in the desert, being exposed to lots of healthy ideas from my colleagues in the trenches of holistic vet practice. A lecture on parvo by Dr Todd Cooney lit us up, as he showed us statistics from his homeopathic practice in Indiana that the vaccinated pups had less chance of surviving parvo than those not vaccinated for that disease! Hands shot up, voices added to the din of discussion, and ideas whizzed through the now electrified air:
Did I just hear that right? Yes, Dr Rosemary Manziano learned of the outbreak of canine distemper in raccoons in her area through the CDC. She boldly suggested to her puppy owners over a period of 11 years that they visit a pond known to be a hangout for these raccoons. After a brief period of sniffing around the bushes and maybe drinking the water, the pups were brought home. This was repeated a week later, and on the third week, the good doctor would test for distemper titers, the evidence of immune response. Lo and behold, these pups had fantastic titers indicating strong immunity! And, in case you’re wondering, not one puppy ever got sick in the least. This happened in well over a hundred pups and was, as Dr Manziano called it, “foolproof immunization.” After eleven years, it stopped working. She assumed that the disease in raccoons had run its course, natural resistance having been gained by their population. What to do now? Dr Manziano suggested that her new pup owners who wanted natural immunization take short, five minute visits to the most popular dog parks. Those parks with the highest dog traffic were recommended. The procedure was simple:
In case you’re wondering, “How long will this immunity last?” the answer is simple: a lifetime! Remember the understanding of the veterinary immunologists from way back in 1992: Immunity to viral diseases lasts a very long time, likely a lifetime. Try This At Home! Spread The Idea! So, if your goal is natural immunization without the significant risks of vaccination, learn from the experience of a fine holistic vet and her many puppy patients for well over a decade and try this for yourself. Help to spread the infectiously attractive ideas of natural health and Vital Animals by sharing this information far and wide. See those sharing buttons at the top and bottom of this article? Click on one of your favorites and see what good you can foster in the world of holistic health for the animals. |
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