Here is a bit of advice for keeping your pets safe. Has your pet ever eaten something they shouldn’t that could block their digestive track and cause major complications if they develop a blockage in their digestive track? I have had this happen twice with one of my dogs that thinks things are a treasure to keep and eat instead of letting someone else have them. I experienced this with this dog years ago when she decided to swallow a leather baseball cover instead of letting the other dog that she was playing with keep it. The leather cover stitching broke on the ball and she managed to get the cover off the ball that was in his mouth. Needless to say we took an emergency trip to my vet who just happened to have a cancellation that morning and induced vomiting to remove the cover. If the cover would have entered the digestive track she would have had to have surgery to remove it. This happened close to my vet so I was lucky.
Yesterday this same dog decided to play keep away with the packaging of chicken which consists of the Styrofoam tray and the pellet type lining that is use to absorb the juices to keep them from leaking while packaged. She was outside and wanted to play keep away and swallowed the packaging and pellet substance instead of giving it up. It was my fault for being careless of were the packaging was left for disposing of it. I knew she was going to have to vomit this up but I was miles from a vet or emergence clinic and it was past regular office hours. I decided I would have to use a technique that I knew about to induce vomiting in pets. Amazingly it worked and the unwanted substance was out of her and on the ground within 10 minutes. I was so happy and I want to tell you about this method of inducing vomiting. Hopefully you will never have to use it but I feel it is something you should know. What will induce vomiting is a 3% solution of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. IT MUST BE FOOD GRADE! The dosage is generally 1 tsp/10# weight in dogs. I mixed it with some raw chicken and water. I was also told that it should be a unopened bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide to be effective. I always keep an unopened bottle just for this purpose. You can google it to find out more details for cats. Make sure it hasn’t been two hours since the animal ate the unwanted substance. Look for more details online for dangerous substances that should not have vomiting induced. You should never induce vomiting with brachycephalic pets (pets that have a smooshed face and are more at risk for inhaling vomit into their lungs. Brachycephalic breeds include the following: English bulldogs, Pekingese, Shih-Tzus, Pugs, etc. You can check the link below for more precautions.
Blog CreatorMary DeRoche Archives
April 2024