Dog Vaccinations /
By Dana Scott from Dog Naturally Magazine You know the rabies vaccine is one of the most dangerous vaccines you can give your dog. But unfortunately, if you live in the United States or parts of Canada, the rabies vaccine is required by law. Maybe you try to mitigate the potential by asking for a thimerosal-free vaccine because you know that thimerosal is about half mercury by weight … and mercury is really (like really) bad for your dog. If this sounds like you, then you really need to read on because you might not be getting what you paid for … Why You Should Say No To ThimerosalThimerosal is a mercury-based vaccine additive that’s been used as a preservative for decades. Way back in 1935, five years after thimerosal was first added to vaccines, Eli Lilly (the creator of thimerosal), declared that thimerosal was completely safe. But the vaccine manufacturer Pittman-Moore wrote to them and said: “We have obtained marked local reaction in about 50% of the dogs injected with serum containing dilutions of Merthiolate (Thimerosal). Merthioiate is unsatisfactory as a preservative for serum intended for use on dogs.” (Director of Biological Services, Pittman-Moore Company, letter to Dr. Jamieson of Eli Lilly Company dated 1935. U.S. Congressional Record, May 21, 2003, E1018, page 9). Since then, over 160 studies have also shown the dangers of thimerosal. Read more... new blog posts on developing site
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